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Tag: insurance

Articles tagged as Insurance

The Home Buying Process - Establishing a Budget

Posted on October 4, 2023 by Mitchel Boehner
The strength of a residence depends upon the standard of its foundation.Just as, the initial steps to purchasing a home tend to be essential steps.Don't belong to the trap of overlooking items that might seem 'minor' for you, during fact they might determine your capability to proceed through with the planned purchase of the house.Establishing a budget your family can live with while still having the ability to cater for any extra expenses and emergencies is an extremely important, foundational part of the home-buying process...

Tips for the First Time Buyer

Posted on June 10, 2023 by Mitchel Boehner
Are you sick and tired of paying rent to a landlord on a monthly basis, with nothing showing for this? Maybe it is time to get into the true estate market and be a house owner.This can be a big decision, and a thrilling one, however, not one to be studied lightly.When deciding if home ownership may be the right step for you personally, ask yourself in case you are ready for the duty - you will end up the one necessary to continue the payments, maintenance and repairs...